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Race Bandit Policy Adopted

The LVRR Board of Directors has adopted a Race Bandit Policy which is now in effect. A race bandit is any runner taking part in a race without the permission of the race directors, which can include but is not limited to joining the race field without registering, or running with another runner’s bib on.

Lehigh Valley Road Runners has adopted the following policy in regards to runners banditing any and all of our events:

Race bandits will be banned from all LVRR events for a period of one year. If caught wearing a bib that is not your own, both parties will be banned from all LVRR events for a period of one year.

By turning a blind eye to this ongoing problem we are in effect condoning this behavior. For the past couple of years we have allowed bib transfers and race deferments for the St. Luke’s Half – and will continue to do so – yet this problem persists. We strongly suggest that you reach out to a race director instead of banditing our races.
