Sophia Kovalski is the 2024 recipient of the Nicole Reinhart Memorial Scholarship.
LVRR: What college will you attend and what is your intended major of study? Do you plan to run while attending college?
SK: I will be attending Dickinson College in the fall, where I will also be running cross-country and track. My major is currently undecided, but I plan to study English or a related field.
LVRR: What age did you start running and why?
SK: I started running for my church’s Catholic Youth Organization team when I was 9. Up until that point I had played field hockey, but I wanted to try a different sport to stay active and signed up to run on a whim.
LVRR: What is your greatest accomplishment in your running career?
SK: My greatest accomplishment is running the 4×800 at outdoor states my senior year.
LVRR: Describe an experience where you had to “sink or swim.” What did you learn from it?
SK: This past winter, I ran the 4×800 at a meet at Ocean Breeze. Our goal going into the meet was to break 10 minutes and qualify for indoor states. We not only broke 10 minutes that day, but also set a new school indoor record for the event. We later ran the 4×800 at indoor states, where we medaled with an 8th-place finish. This experience taught me that when you trust in your training, you can achieve so much more than you think you are capable of.
LVRR: Who has been your most influential role model and why?
SK: My Coach Rob is my most influential role model. He has run multiple Boston Marathons, but is one of the most humble people I have ever met. He helped me change my mindset from constantly worrying about my training and performances to appreciating the opportunity to run and challenge myself, and I will be forever grateful for all the advice and motivation he has given me.
LVRR: What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
SK: I love ’90s grunge/rock bands such as Alice in Chains, Rage Against the Machine, and Soundgarden.
LVRR: What is one word you would say to someone who has just started running– whether it be a youth in the LVRR Kids Series, or an older individual- about why running is worth it?
SK: Accomplishment!
LVRR: What events did you run in high school?
SK: I ran the 5k (cross-country), 800/4×800, 1600, and 3200.
LVRR: What is your favorite event to watch that you don’t do yourself and why?
SK: I like to watch hurdles because I’m always amazed how effortless the hurdlers make it seem, even though I’m sure I would trip if I tried it.
LVRR: How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?
SK: When I don’t want to run, I try to think about some of my favorite races and realize that the training I’m doing now will allow me to have more experiences like that in the future.s.
LVRR: What are your favorite pre-race and post-race meals?
SK: Since I started running, I have always had some kind of pasta for dinner the night before a race. Even though it’s unhealthy, my favorite post-race treat is a burger from Five Guys.
LVRR: If you ever feel unmotivated to get out the door during PA cold winter months, what tips or tricks do you use to push yourself? Also do you brave the poor weather conditions or stick indoors/on the treadmill?
SK: Running with friends helps me to stay motivated during the winter. I always run outside when it’s safe to do so—I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve run on a treadmill!
LVRR: When faced with a rare but disappointing race finish or workout, how do you pick up and motivate yourself to try again? Is there a specific running mantra that has helped you pull through disappointment?
SK: I try to recognize that disappointing races are a part of life, and that even when I try my best and control all the variables I can, some things are out of my control and not all races will go as planned. Coach Rob has shared many mantras with me, but one of my favorites is “right here, right now.” No matter the situation when racing, this mantra reminds me to enjoy the moment and opportunity I have to challenge myself.
LVRR: What are three activities you enjoy doing apart from running?
SK: I enjoy playing guitar, collecting records and CDs, and searching for the perfect cup of coffee.
LVRR: What extracurricular activities (outside of running) and community involvement have you participated in?
SK: I have played the cello since fourth grade, and I was the treasurer of my school’s orchestra this past year.