Paul Abeln is one of the 2024 recipients of the LVRR Scholarship.
LVRR: What college will you attend and what is your intended major of study? Do you plan to run while attending college?
PA: I will be attending Stony Brook University to major in Finance. I will be running for the team.
LVRR: What age did you start running and why?
PA: I began running in middle school once I realized I had talent from gym class timed miles and pacer tests.
LVRR: What is your greatest accomplishment in your running career?
PA: My greatest accomplishment leading the team from one guy at a 17:30 5k during my freshman year to roughly 10 guys running a 17:30 or faster my senior year.
LVRR: Describe an experience where you had to “sink or swim.” What did you learn from it?
PA: Lacking guidance in training early on in my career. I learned I would have to go out of my way to be successful.
LVRR: Who has been your most influential role model and why?
PA: My most influential role models are the Young brothers because I followed their national success all throughout highschool.
LVRR: What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
PA: I have traveled to 35 U.S. states.
LVRR: What is one word you would say to someone who has just started running– whether it be a youth in the LVRR Kids Series, or an older individual- about why running is worth it?
PA: Whether running competitively or for fun, the pursuit of progress and connection with one self makes the temporarily discomfort beyond worth it.
LVRR: Is anyone else in your family a runner?
PA: My cousin ran for the University of Rhoad Island.
LVRR: What events did you run in high school?
PA: I ran the 800m, 1600m and 3200m in track, and I was also a member of our cross country team.
LVRR: What are the top three “little things” that you do to prevent injury?
PA: Sleep, strength training and stretching/rolling.
LVRR: If you ever feel unmotivated to get out the door during PA cold winter months, what tips or tricks do you use to push yourself? Also do you brave the poor weather conditions or stick indoors/on the treadmill?
PA: I think to myself, “I’ve never voluntarily missed a run and today will not be a day I start”.
LVRR: What are three activities you enjoy doing apart from running?
PA: Reading, playing guitar and traveling.