Lana Hurwitz is one of the 2024 recipients of the LVRR Scholarship.
LVRR: What college will you attend and what is your intended major of study? Do you plan to run while attending college?
LH: I will be attending Monmouth University to study exercise science and run cross country
and track.
LVRR: What age did you start running and why?
LH: I started running a few local 5ks with my parents around age 8.
LVRR: What is your greatest accomplishment in your running career?
LH: I would say my biggest accomplishment from my running career was winning the District XI Cross Country title in 2022. Not for the time or place necessarily, but because of how I bounced back from a difficult race two weeks prior in which I was hospitalized.
LVRR: Describe an experience where you had to “sink or swim.” What did you learn from it?
LH: During our last home meet of the 2022 cross country season, I pushed myself to my limits and from a culmination of dehydration and a lack of sleep I collapsed at the finish line and ended up in the hospital. This experience was defeating both mentally and physically but ultimately forced me to find the most resilient and persevering version of myself.
LVRR: Who has been your most influential role model and why?
LH: My most influential role models are my parents. Day in and day out they provide me with unwavering support and do everything in their power to help me be the best I can. I’m inspired by their selflessness and altruism and aim to be just like them.
LVRR: What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
LH: I think people may be surprised to know that outside of my goals with running and school, which I take very seriously, I’m a rather light-hearted person. I’m always joking around with friends and don’t tend to take myself too seriously.
LVRR: What is one word you would say to someone who has just started running– whether it be a youth in the LVRR Kids Series, or an older individual- about why running is worth it?
LH: Connections. While running can be a rather individual sport, the best part undoubtedly is the people. You will find yourself a network of coaches, teammates, and spectators who inspire you to be better every day. The bonds created around this sport are like no other and make every bit of hardship worth it.
LVRR: Who is in your running support network?
LH: I talked about my parents being a huge support network for me earlier but I also think it’s necessary to mention my high school coaches. For both cross country and track Coach Finley, Coach Bracetty, Coach Ott, Coach Stewart, and Coach Shlaner have all been extremely impactful in my life. Each of them taught me different things and offered unique advice that I will take with me forever. I’m super thankful to have been so close to this coaching staff.
LVRR: What are your favorite pre-race and post-race meals?
LH: My favorite pre-race meal is peanut butter toast. And assuming it’s been long enough after my race, I usually like to have some kind of sweet treat like ice cream.
LVRR: If you ever feel unmotivated to get out the door during PA cold winter months, what tips or
tricks do you use to push yourself? Also do you brave the poor weather conditions or stick
indoors/on the treadmill?
LH: I definitely feel unmotivated to get out the door at times due to the PA weather. However, as long as it’s safe to run outside I never let my unmotivated thoughts win. Discipline is far more powerful than motivation and I run in all kinds of weather (I also dislike the treadmill).
LVRR: When faced with a rare but disappointing race finish or workout, how do you pick up and
motivate yourself to try again? Is there a specific running mantra that has helped you pull
through disappointment?
LH: Throughout high school I’ve gotten pretty familiar with the feeling of disappointment but I know that it is part of the process. If there were never any bad times how could we measure the good times? Understanding this helps me to keep pushing in hopes of soon reaching the good moments.
LVRR: What are three activities you enjoy doing apart from running?
LH: I enjoy doing any kind of artistic craft like painting, clay, or digital art. I love exploring nature through walking, hiking, or biking. I also enjoy cooking/baking simple recipes.