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Q&A with Keshav Shankar

LVRR: What college will you attend and intended major of study? Do you plan to run while attending college?
KS: I will be attending the University of Pittsburgh for Computer Engineering. I plan on joining the club track & field team.

LVRR: What age did you start running and why?
KS: I started running in 8th grade for Middle School cross country as it seemed like a great activity to stay in shape for club soccer.

LVRR: What is your greatest accomplishment in your running career?
KS: Making states for cross country and track and field during my sophomore year of high school. Both were earned after exciting and hard-fought district races.

LVRR: Describe an experience where you had to “sink or swim.” What did you learn from it?
KS: During the state cross country race my junior year, it was very windy and cold and I had cramped up early in the race. It was one of those races where I wanted to stop and not finish, but I pushed through with the thought of beating my time on the Hershey course from the previous year, where it was equally bad weather conditions.

LVRR: Who has been your most influential role model and why?
KS: My father has been my most influential role model. Ever since I was a kid, whether it was riding a bike or playing sports, he taught me to keep trying until I succeeded.

LVRR: What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
KS: I think most people would be surprised to learn that I actually hate running, well practicing it that is. The miles and hard work is a blur for me as I just want to get to the race day.

LVRR: What is one word you would say to someone who has just started running– whether it be a youth in the LVRR Kids Series, or an older individual- about why running is worth it?
KS: Believe in yourself. There were many times where I doubted myself, but once you forget about failure and learn to just try your best, you can really surprise yourself.

LVRR: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
KS: I would like to have my own tech company and live somewhere other than PA.

LVRR: What events did you run in high school?
KS: I ran the 1600, 3200, and 4×800 during track and the 5k during cross country.

LVRR: What cross training do you incorporate into your running routine, if any? Do you focus more on cross training in the off season (if there is an off season for you!), or do you tend to cross train throughout the entire training cycle?
KS: Personally, I would cross train at every chance I got in the offseason as putting in long miles got tedious at times. However, during the actual season I limited cross training.

LVRR: How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?
KS: I just had to stay focused on my goal and think ahead to the relief I would feel after accomplishing that goal.

LVRR: What are your favorite pre-race and post-race meals?
KS: I loved eating pasta the night before and bars before the race. After, I enjoyed having cold chocolate milk and any other food I could get a hold of.

Keshav attended Emmaus High School and will attend the University of Pittsburgh.