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Q&A with Allison Berlet

LVRR: What college will you attend and intended major of study? Do you plan to run while attending college?
AB: I will be attending Penn State University to study elementary education. I plan on doing the club/intramural team.

LVRR: What age did you start running and why?
AB: I started running at age 10 because my godmother, Mary asked me to do a race with her and since then I loved running.

LVRR: What is your greatest accomplishment in your running career?
AB: My greatest accomplishment is being part of the cross-country team who won districts in 2018.

LVRR: Describe an experience where you had to “sink or swim.” What did you learn from it?
AB: In districts of 2018 going into it I did not think I could make it or break it for my team. Throughout the race my coach kept yelling to me what I had to do in order for us to win. Being in the spot where I was, I had to keep moving to pass girls from other teams so we would gain points. I was able to help my team out by passing who I needed to pass and we won! This experience taught me how I could push myself if I put my mind to it.

LVRR: Who has been your most influential role model and why?
AB: My godmother, Mary Postma had to be my initial role model because she got me into running and I would run with her often, but then when I joined cross country in 8th grade, I had coaches who encouraged and supported me. In high school, Coach Bobbi was my role model as I would take advice from her and was always encouraged to not hold back and give it my all whenever I ran.

LVRR: What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
AB: People would most be surprised that I was a committed All-Star cheerleader before I started running and then I had to choose one thing to do and that decision was to run!

LVRR: What is one word you would say to someone who has just started running– whether it be a youth in the LVRR Kids Series, or an older individual- about why running is worth it?
AB: Accomplishment

LVRR: What events did you run in high school?
AB: I ran the 1-mile and 2-mile mainly, but I was also thrown in the 4×8 frequently. I also did pole vaulting!

LVRR: What cross training do you incorporate into your running routine, if any? Do you focus more on cross training in the off season (if there is an off season for you!), or do you tend to cross train throughout the entire training cycle?
AB: I incorporate lifting weights, biking, and swimming. I do not have an off season because I do cross country and indoor/outdoor track. Between each season I have a couple weeks and that’s when I do these cross-training routines. I also might run 5 days a week and cross train for another day.

LVRR: How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?
AB: To stay motivated I tell myself doing something will make me better and that’s what I was training to do. I knew not running would not help me to reach my fullest potential in my running career.

LVRR: What are the top three “little things” that you do to prevent injury?
AB: To prevent injury I make sure I stretch before and after I run, I eat and hydrate well, and I also roll out any sore muscles with a foam roller.

LVRR: What are your favorite pre-race and post-race meals?
AB: I love having spaghetti with either grilled chicken or meatballs before I run and after races my teammates and I always went to Chick-fil-a.

LVRR: What are three activities you enjoy doing apart from running?
AB: I enjoyed doing cheerleading and band all my high school years and being a part of community-involved clubs where I am able to help people and work with kids.

Allison attended Easton Area High School and will attend Penn State University.