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November Club News

As we head into November and Thanksgiving we want to take the opportunity to thank all of you. We thank you for everything that you do every day to maintain your mental and physical health. We thank the Allentown Parks Department for all the work they have done in keeping our parks clean and in the best condition they can be after the numerous storms we had this year. We thank our members for always coming together when we need you.

We continue to find ourselves in a holding pattern as we live within the restrictions that the City of Allentown has in place. That said, we do have some good news for all of you.

Beginning Wednesday, November 4th, we will resume our Wednesday morning Group Run at Muhlenberg College in Allentown. While we are not allowed to use the college track at this time, our fearless leader, Michael, will be leading us on a weekly workout on the streets around the college. The run begins at 5:15 AM every Wednesday. Details can be found on our website. Please, be sure to acquaint yourself with our new Group Run Guidelines as well as Runner Safety Checklist. As we incorporate more group leaders we will update our Group Run page.

The Ice Scraper 5K committee is opening registration on Thursday, Nov. 5 for the 2020-2021 race series. The December and January races will be virtual as we are still not permitted to race in the park. We are planning to race in February and March if permitted by the City.

As for the St. Luke’s Half Marathon weekend, we are moving our race weekend from April to October 16-17, 2021. We are doing this in the hopes that the summer months will see a decline in coronavirus numbers as happened this past summer, and the City of Allentown thus allows for our event size. At this point in time, we have no intention of offering a virtual race option. Should we be forced to cancel our event in 2021, we will offer our runners the opportunity to either donate their race entry fee or receive a refund. We hope that we can hold this race because we really miss running and racing! Registration will open in January.

Please join us on Sunday, November 15th at the clubhouse at noon to rake all of the leaves that have fallen. Bring your garden gloves and leaf blower (if you have one), face mask; we can provide the rakes. It should be a quick task if we get enough people. 🙂

Finally, we wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving later this month.

Happy Running!
Lehigh Valley Road Runners