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LVRR Volunteer Spotlight

The LVRR Kids Series started in 2000. During the first year about 60 kids participated in each event. Currently, over 500 children participate in each race. Since 2000 over 10,000 kids have participated in the Kids Series. The LVRR Kids Running Series is a free event. The only requirement is for participants to show up and be checked in by 9:30 a.m. That is a pretty good deal!

We now have former Kids Series participants volunteering for various LVRR events. Several former participants have competed at the League, District and State levels in cross country and track & Field. Several have also earned LVRR scholarships. The success of the LVRR Kids Series is measured not only by the number and diversity of the participants, but by the many smiles and improvements made throughout the Series. The event has grown to be more than a running event, it is a day for families to enjoy the beautiful Lehigh Parkway. Kids and their parents remain long after their events conclude to dance to the music and have fun with the clowns.

If you would like more information regarding the LVRR Kids Series, please see our Kids Series page. If you would like to be placed on our volunteer mailing list or have interest in joining the Kids Committee, please email

The LVRR Kids Series Committee would like to thank ALL the dedicated volunteers who show up to help the committee host a safe event. It takes 60 volunteers plus committee members to host a single day’s event. Our volunteers have multiple jobs to perform on race day. We are going to recognize a few individuals so you can get to know them.

Thanks a million to all of our volunteers!

LVRR Kids Series Race Committee
Loretta Dodson
Sean Beck
Donna Fogel
Jennifer Jones
Wendy Lee
Meredith Longo
Dave Newton
Kathy Schaffer
Mary Townsend
Erin Vermeulen