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Our Groups leave at the posted time. Please arrive early.
Tuesdays @ 5:45 PM
Making Strides (Women Only)
Where: Lehigh Parkway
We meet by LVRR Clubhouse near the white barn
Run leader: Ingrid
Warm-up for 1.25 miles, and then our trusty run leader will provide a speed workout on the trail followed by a cool down. Total distance is 4 – 5 miles total including warm-up, cool-down, repeats, and recoveries.
We keep it fresh with a different workout every week. All paces and experience levels are encouraged and supported. First-timers always welcome!
Important Links
Group Run Waiver for non LVRR members
Wednesdays @ 5:15 AM
Speed Workout
Where: Muhlenberg College
Run leader: Michael
Meet at 24th/Liberty Streets by the entrance to the Muhlenberg football stadium. We start with a 1.25-mile warm-up around the college at about 9-10 min/mile pace. Then the run leader will provide a workout followed by a 1-mile cool down. The workouts generally alternate between VO2 max workouts and lactate threshold workouts and are designed to make you stronger physically and mentally. (You are welcome to join the fun with your own workout.)
Bring reflective gear and a headlamp in case the track is closed or when the college’s sports teams are using the field — especially lacrosse. If the track is unavailable, we will move the workout to the lightly trafficked streets of Allentown’s West End.
All paces and experience levels are encouraged and supported. Positive attitudes are mandatory. First-timers are welcome!
We thank Muhlenberg College for the use of their track.
Join our group
on Facebook

Ask your questions and stay up-to-date on our group runs. We’ll also post updates here.
Thursdays @ 6:30 PM
Trail Run
Where: South Mountain Preserve (Alpine St. Lot)
Run leader: Scott
Meet at Alpine Street Lot.
4-mile loop on the trails. Beginner friendly. Please wear reflective gear and a headlamp.
All paces and experience levels are encouraged and supported. First-timers welcome!
Saturdays @ 7:00 AM
Where: Lehigh Parkway – Fish Hatchery parking lot
Run leader: Joe
All paces welcome- join us for the entire loop in the parkway or cut it short.
Join the LVRR Group Runs FB group.
* We are looking for a couple more run leaders.
Females, where are you? Email us at contact@lvrr.org
Saturdays @ 9:00 AM
Where: Allentown Rose Gardens – 3000 Parkway Blvd, Allentown
Run leader: Dawn
We will run through the Rose Gardens and Cedar Beach Park. We’ll drop back and paperclip to make sure no one is left behind.
Clubhouse Directions
From Lehigh Street turn north onto S. Jefferson Street. Turn left onto Park Drive at the five points intersection. Follow Park Drive to the Clubhouse.
GPS Coordinates: 40.5790° N, 75.4939° W
Plus Code: HGH4+HF Allentown, Salisbury Township, PA