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Get to Know Your Board Members

Spotlight on Board Members Neal Novak and Janie Slamon.

The LVRR Board Members are assigned to make sure the club’s Mission Statement is followed.  LVRR’s primary goal is to promote distance running and racing in the Greater Lehigh Valley, to provide information and social activities and to enhance training opportunities in a supportive atmosphere for runners of all abilities.  The LVRR has 410 households and 674 members.  LVRR is the second largest running club in Pennsylvania.  The board meets once a month for 11 months of the year.    

Neal Novak

Neal Novak has served for many years as President of the LVRR.  Neal is a co-race director for the St. Luke’s Half Marathon and serves on the Grant and Scholarship committees.

Question: How many years have you been a member of LVRR?
I was one of the founding members of the Emmaus Road Runners (ERR) and a Board member in 1976.  I have been in some office continually, Board member, Treasurer, Vice President or President since then.  I was also a Board member of the Lehigh Athletic Association (LVAA) during the same time period and continued to serve as an officer in the Club.

Q: What have you accomplished as a Board member?
I hope I have helped to guide the Club from a few members to what it is today, an organization that promotes youth fitness, distance running and a mindset of giving back to the community.  I also have directed numerous races over the years.

Q: Where is your favorite place to train?
None better than the Lehigh Parkway.

Q: What is your favorite hobby?
Cooking, reading, best movie Forest Gump, drinking wine

Q: What was your day job?
Teaching, I was paid to have fun.

Q: Any running goals for 2020?
Staying healthy.

Q: Any goals for the Club?
Keep the Club on its path of promoting fitness and youth running.

Janie Slamon

Janie Slamon is the newest member of the LVRR Board.  Janie has volunteered for many years at LVRR races and recently joined the Ultra race committee.

Question: How many years have you been a member of LVRR?
Club member for approximately 15 years, a board member for one and one-half years.

Q: What have you accomplished as a board member?
As the newest board member, I am still learning how I can best serve the board.  I am active in supporting the St. Luke’s Half Marathon, for which I manage Baggage Control.  I am also an active volunteer for the Kids Running Series.

Q: Where is your favorite place to train?
Lehigh Parkway, of course.

Q: What are a few of your favorite hobbies?
I enjoy fishing, kayaking, and reading.

Q: What is your day job?
I am licensed to practice law and presently serve as an adjunct professor at a few local colleges, where I teach law-related classes.

Q: Any running goals for 2020?
Keep on keeping on.

Q: Any goals for the club?
Continue to support the club as it contributes to the welfare of the running community and the Lehigh Valley in general through its programs.  I believe that the club’s support of running and healthy lifestyles enhance the quality of life in the Lehigh Valley.
